Author Archives: Marcie Jessee

Photo-Journaling Week 2: Places, Landscapes and Details

This week we are going to build on our foundation of good light and we [...]

History Week One: The Civil Rights Movement

This week we will be tackling a period in history that had been brewing since [...]

Journeyman: Photo-Journaling Week One- Portraits and LIGHT

Welcome to our Photo-Journaling class! This week we are focusing on GREAT LIGHT and PEOPLE [...]

Hour of the Olympics

Are you ready to have some Olympic FUN?? This week you get to: Read the [...]

History Week 6: World War 2

Please sign up in this doc for your end of year presentation. For more information [...]

Pirates Past Noon

We’re going to have a pirate week at Vanguard! Instead of destroying ships and looting [...]

History Apprentice Week 5: The Great Depression

Writing Assignment This week is the last week of writing. Don’t cheer too loud, you [...]

Midnight on the Moon

This week we’re going to have some out-of-this-world fun 😀 First, I would like you [...]

History Apprentice, Feb.8th

✏ WRITING CLASS *CATCH-UP WEEK* This is your very last catch up week. Starting next [...]

Rookies: Polar Bears Past Bedtime

Name Assignment James Song Melody Prayer John Spiritual Thought Joshua Pledge and Joke of the [...]