Imaginative Arts – Apprentice – Week 2 November 16, 2023

PART ONE – Discover Europe

  1. Watch this VIDEO overview about Europe. (3 minutes)
  2. What is considered Europe?
    • This area comprises countries in the European continent, including Western, Central, and Eastern Europe. It is known for its rich history, cultural diversity, and influential institutions such as the European Union.
    • Use THIS LINK to see a list of all the countries on the European Continent, this will help you when you’re thinking about your continent project. (TIME SAVING TIP: scroll through the link to get to the lists, they are broken up into groups.)


Think about what you would like to learn more about in Europe. Spend 1-2 hours learning about a creation that interests youeither a creation of God’s or something made by man, find information about the topic and create a short 2 minute (or 5 minutes, see step 1) presentation to be presented in class.

(1-2 hours)

Since we are approaching the holidays. . . If you would like your project to tie into Christmas between 1850-1950 (this is the general time period we’re studying) in Europe, you are welcome to do so! Some ideas may include traditions, decorations, foods, dances, stories, celebrations, etc. (IE. A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens would fit into the literature category.)

  1. Sign up for the topic you want to present on. The list has lots of ideas you can choose from, but you are welcome to choose something that is NOT on the list, if you think of something that isn’t in the sign-up document check with Traci, likely we can add it. SIGN UP HERE.
  2. Identify on a map (you can use this map or choose your own) which area/country in Europe that your project is from: (2 minutes)
  3. You can do a 2-minute solo presentation, or do a 5-minute presentation with one or two partners. (No longer than five minutes, I WILL cut you off. If it’s some kind of demo, practice first so you have a general idea of the time you will take. Contact me if you have extenuating circumstances)
  4. Here’s the deal, though – you can’t just stand up and talk about a topic. You need to do something creative – a skit, a video (that you make – not one you show from YouTube), a demonstration, you can bake something, paint something, build something, write and sing a song, etc. Be creative!


What can you create?

  1. Read or Watch or Listen to this Conference talkPromptings of the Spirit (14 minutes)
  2. From this talk, find one or two phrases or ideas that stand out to you and WHY. Share the phrase(s) you picked IN THIS LINK – it needs to be shared by November 14 at noon!! NO LATER!! (6 minutes)
  3. Write a few sentences about how applying the four principles in this talk can help you create a life where you exercise your spiritual muscles and develop your spiritual talents, and discuss how you can use these principles when you are being creative in other areas of your life. . WE WILL START OUR DAY WITH A QUICK DISCUSSION ABOUT THIS TALK BEFORE PRESENTATIONS. (6 minutes)
  4. Take Elder Stevenson’s challenge at the end of the talk, do this daily for at least one week, you are welcome to do it longer. There is a handy picture at the end of this post you can print to use with the challenge. (1 minute daily for a week or longer.)


Remember your year-long history project that you chose last month?? Time to GET TO WORK. I need you to spend 1 1/2 hours THIS WEEK on your history project. (90 minutes)

Before class go the THIS LINK and report on how your project is going.  (6 minutes)

One last thing!! IN CLASS We will be having the opportunity to celebrate winter with a Swedish Festival called the SANTA LUCIA.

  1. Girls need to dress in white (a dress or white shirt and skirt is preferred, but please don’t go buy anything new.)
  2. And boys need to be in a white shirt, preferably a button up.
  3. BRING THESE ITEMS TO CLASS. . .don’t wear them to school, you will have a chance to quickly change.

(I LOVE the quote below by Elder Stevenson, he clearly loves the youth! )

Have a GREAT week!


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