October 3: The Great Outdoors!

Here is your checklist!


HyrumPass out and lead song of the month
LenoraScripture/Spiritual Thought
LucyPledge of Allegiance
TalmageJoke Of The Day
AnyaLead Memorization
EllieShow and Tell or Knowledge Share
FieldingTreasurer and Snack


Finish memorizing Playing the Game.

Whatever the game and whatever the odds,
The winning is all up to you.
For it isn’t the score and it isn’t the prize
That counts when the playing is through.

In the great game of life it’s the purpose to win
And the courage to fight to the end,
That determines for you what degree of success
Will be scored to your credit, my friend.

The best you can do will be quite enough
To defeat your opponents today;
For you never can lose and you never can fail
If you “put all you’ve got” in your play.

And the greatest reward that your efforts can bring,
Is the fact that you stood the to the test,
You played a clean game and you fought a good fight,
And you always were doing your best.

Shuffle Dance

Shuffle Dance: Here’s a new step!
Remember! Go sloooowwww. Soooo sloooooow. Speed it up a little at a time once you are solid with the step.



Explore pages 5-15 of the Kids’ Book of Weather Forecasting.

Over the course of our vanguard year, you are going to build your own weather station as we learn about different parts of our atmosphere and how weather is created.

Print this weather tracking sheet. Each day, around the same time, if possible, record what you observe about the weather. In the “general weather conditions” column, describe what the sky looks like: sunny, cloudy, etc. Look up the temperature online. (Thermometers are on the way for future weeks!) For this week, leave the “barometric pressure” column blank. In the “wind” column, just notice whether there is any wind blowing. (Look at a tree to see if the leaves are moving.) In “precipitation,” write no if there is none; if there is, write the type: rain, snow, hail for example. If you see any clouds, do your best to draw what they look like. In “notes,” write down any other useful information, like, “leaves changing color” or “excited to wear my new sweater since it’s cool!” Questions about weather could also be written here.

Please record the weather at least 5 days a week, ideally at the same time each day.

Preparing for Adventure!

This week is all about adventure in the great outdoors! Autumn is a beautiful time of year to spend time in the mountains.

Watch this video to better understand what makes seasons.

Learn about why leaves turn colors in the fall. Watch these videos to get started.

Let’s Go!

For our class time, we are going on a hike to enjoy this beautiful season! Please come prepared with the following:

  • Wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Bring a jacket.
  • Bring water and a way to carry it. A camelback could work or a water bottle in a backpack.
  • Prepare a tinfoil meal for lunch (see below for some ideas). Bring a fork and plate or whatever you will need to eat it. (Please be sure that the meat is fully cooked before adding it to your packet.)
  • Bring a pocket knife. While our lunch is warming up, we will learn how to properly use a pocket knife. Until then, keep it safely in your backpack or pocket.

Have you ever had a tinfoil dinner? Here are some basic instructions. Use your imagination and bring something you are excited to eat! If you have a favorite meal, see if you can figure out a way to turn it into a tinfoil dinner.

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