Name | Assignment |
James | Song |
Melody | Prayer |
John | Spiritual Thought |
Joshua | Pledge and Joke of the Day |
McKade | Show and Tell |
Jayne | Treasurer and Snack |
Did you like learning about ice and polar bears and what it would be like to live in a REALLY cold place? Jack and Annie go on some pretty cool adventures!
This week we are going to be doing snow experiements and snow activities in class that I think you will really enjoy. To prepare for class I would like you to:
Learn about snowflakes! Snowflakes are one of my favorite things about winter. Have you ever stopped and noticed how beautiful the snowflakes are on a really cold day? There was another boy who loved to observe snowflakes and learn about him, CLICK HERE to listen to his story and what he learned.
I would like you to MAKE a snowflake this week. It could be out of paper, popsicle sticks, gems, glue, sugar crystals, watercolors — you name it! Be creative and spend some time creating your own one-of-a-kind snowflake to bring to class.
Finally, have you ever built something cool out of snow? Have you gone somewhere really pretty with snow? Be prepared to share a memory with the class about an experience you had with snow (maybe it will be about sledding, snow shoes, frozen lakes, snowmen, skiing, snow forts, snowball fights and more) feel free to bring a picture to share if you have one. I can’t wait to hear about your snowy memory! Tell the story to a family member before coming to class so you can practice sharing all the details that you want to.
Do a project life journal entry all about snow. What do you like about it? What do you dislike about it? What are some of your favorite winter activities. Can you take a pretty picture of the snow?