Master April 28 “A Man Called Peter” (1955 movie)


Do all of the following:

  1. Read this quick biography of Rev. Dr. Peter Marshall (1902 – 1949) Born in humble circumstances in Coatbridge (North Lanarkshire), Marshall lost his father at the age of four. He was educated at the local technical school and spent time in the British Navy. Finding himself called to the Ministry and aware his qualifications were unlikely to allow him to study in Scotland, Marshall emigrated for the USA, arriving at Ellis Island (New York) in 1927. He worked for a time in New Jersey before moving to Alabama, where he was given the necessary funding to attend a seminary in Georgia, graduating in 1931. After proving a popular pastor in the South, he moved to the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington DC in 1937 where he found himself in great demand. Despite a heart attack in 1946, Marshall was appointed Senate Chaplain in the following year. Following his premature death, Marshall’s life was chronicled by his wife in the moving book A Man Called Peter (1951). This gave rise to a film of the same title starring Richard Todd in 1955. Remembered as an inspirational preacher, his published sermons still prove popular.
  2. Read through and review the 7 Laws of Life Mission found here. (This was our Vanguard theme all of last year, so for some of you this is a review and for some of you this information will be new. Any time we study a biography, we’ll look at these laws and what they looked like in the life of the person we’re studying)
  3. Watch the movie “A Man Called Peter” (1955) and watch for Peter Marshall’s call from God and how he responded. Was it easy? What obstacles did he have to overcome? What good did he do for the world? What was your favorite of his speeches from the movie?


  • Go online and find some of Peter Marshall’s quotes. Bring your favorite quote to share and why you like it.

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