Brytt Cloward | Pass out and lead song of the month |
Conrad Ballard | Prayer |
Jacob Lee | Scripture/Spiritual Thought |
James Garrett | Pledge of Allegiance |
Jayne Fontano | Joke Of The Day |
John Lee | Lead Memorization |
Joshua Law | Show and Tell |
McKade Pulley | Treasurer |
Melody Jessee | Snack |
Orson Ballard | |
Here is your checklist for printing
This week we are studying inventors that changed the world! Watch this video about American Inventors:
What inventions can you dream of?
My friend’s little boy was crying inconsolably and when his mom asked him what was wrong, he said, “Everything will already be invented by the time I grow up! There won’t be anything left for me to invent.” Ha! That’s not true! There is no end to what humankind can dream up! Can you make a list of 5 things that you imagine will be invented in the future. For example I think a robot will cook for us! We will order off a menu and voila! Dinner is served 🙂
Samuel Morse
Something to do: Take a flashlight in a dark room and try to spell out a word using morse code. The dots are fast and the dashes are a little longer. Go slow!!! See if your family can guess which word you are spelling. You might have to turn on the light in between letters so they can refer to the morse code list.
Orville and Wilbur Wright
Watch this hilarious video! I’m dying of laughter! My goodness, how far flight has come!
Watch this video to learn about the Wright Brothers
Something to do: Make a paper airplane! There are a zillion YouTube Videos online that will show you how. Bring your plane to class and we’ll have a contest of whose flies the farthest, does loops, and any other special characteristics. Did you know that the same principles that allow planes to fly are the same whether your plane is made out of paper or steel! It’s all about weight, lift, thrust, drag.
Project to do
This link, (CLICK HERE) is to a document of inventors. Choose one that seems most interesting to you. Maybe none of these are interesting to you. In that case, you are welcome to research any inventor. There are so many amazing inventions! Maybe a more modern one would be fun! Who invented the internet? The computer?
Do some research and think of a fun and interesting way to teach us about it. Be prepared to present to us what you learned.
Finish Reading!
Read Lola Dutch! It’s such a fun picture book. We’ll talk about it and celebrate the characters in class 🙂