Opening Exercises and Weekly Tasks

Work on Memorizing the poem Playing the Game. Please memorize the first stanza this week.
Practice the shuffle dance.
Print your checklist.
Juniors and mentors birthday shout out: Sister Law’s birthday is September 8! Be sure wish her a happy birthday when you see her!
Are You Ready to CRINGE??
This cringey video is going to introduce you to a brilliant scientist named Alfred Wegener. Sing along, and try to identify the answers to the following questions:
- Why is Alfred Wegener famous?
- What is continental drift?
- How did Alfred demonstrate incredible courage?
- How can YOU change the world by standing up for what you believe is true?
Watch the video again, and this time really SING! Out loud this time!
Stretch Your Brain
(First, ask your mom to read through this blog post with you- she will need a basic understanding of what I expect from you this year, and how to accomplish it)
I want this part to be really enjoyable! I also want it to stretch your brain. You know when you do physical stretches (like the splits), it’s a little uncomfortable? No? Okay, try it right now. Try to do the splits!
Did you feel some discomfort? I like to say “it hurts so gooooooooood!” during my stretches! I want your brain to “hurt so good”, which happens when you are learning a lot of new information. Lean into the feeling of stretching your brain by choosing to dive into your Earth Science Book. Clear your environment of distractions, focus on what you are reading, and allow yourself to be in awe of this incredible Earth that your Heavenly Father has created for you!
Open your Planet Earth! book to the contents page. You will see 7 different headings. Each week of Earth Science class we will be focusing on one of those heading topics. This week we are focusing on Rocky Earth. You will notice that there are several sub topics such as Earth’s structure, The crust, and Tectonic plates. I want you to read about those 3 subtopics (pages 30-37), then choose 2 more sub topics that interest you, and read about those. You will be reading a total of 5 sub topics. Grab a pen or highlighter and mark the facts that you find interesting. You will use these facts in the book you will be writing.

Learn How To Use Canva
You might remember using Canva last year for your yearbook pages. It’s a really fun and easy platform to use. You’ll be using Canva to create your EPIC Earth Science book. Watch this video to learn some basics about Canva.
Set Up Your Canva Book Project
The process of learning to use Canva and creating your book is also meant to stretch your brain! While you are learning this new skill, you might feel some frustration or feel overwhelmed. That’s a great sign that you are stretching your brain in the best way! Just stick with it, and I promise everything will get easier.
Follow these steps to begin your book:
- Log into Canva.com
- Click the purple button that says “Create a design”
- In the search box, type in “flyer”
- Select “Flyer (Portrait 8.5 x 11in)

Helpful Canva Info
Before we get into your book, here’s some info you might find helpful:
Directions for naming your project on Canva– click “File”, at the top you will see a window with the name of your project. Click on the name to change it. Type “Earth Science Book” (You’ll come up with an epic name later on)

Adding new pages to your book: Just above your blank page, you will see a little icon with two rectangles, one has a plus sign in it. Click that button to add more pages.

Adding an image that is owned by Canva: Click the “Elements” Icon on the left side of your page. Type in your topic, such as tectonic plate. Click on the image you want to use.

Adding an image you found online: First, find an image online that you want to use for your book. Save that image to your computer. When in your Earth Science Book project, click the “Uploads” icon on the left side of your page. Click “Upload files”. Be sure your image file is large enough that it will be clear when you go to print your book. I looked up copyright rules, and because your book is for personal use, you can use images you find online.

Phew! That was a lot of info! Great job sticking with it!
Your EPIC Book
I chose the word EPIC on purpose. I don’t want you to create a boring, simple book. I want you to create an EPIC book that people will love to read! When choosing images, facts, design elements, colors, and layouts, ask yourself “is this epic?!?!”.
Here are some requirements I have for your book:
- Each week of Earth Science you will be reading 4-5 sub topics from your book. For each sub topic, you will create a double-page spread of your own book. This week is an exception to this rule, because you are learning a ton of new skills. This week you will choose only 1 sub topic and create a double-page spread for it. If you want to understand how to design a double-page spread, just look at the Earth Science Book. Every sub topic has a double page spread, meaning that when you open to “Tectonic plates” (pages 36-37), you see two pages that are right next to each other, and share the same topic. Quiz: if you are choosing one sub topic from the Earth Science book, and creating a double page spread for it, how many pages will your Canva book be by the time you come to vanguard on Thursday? (Hint: 1×2=?) TWO! Yes! You brilliant scientist! You will be creating 2 pages this week. I’m so proud of you.
- Every double page spread needs a clear title. Choose one font, size, and color to use for every page title in your book. This consistency will help make your book EPIC!
- Each double page spread needs to have a short summary of what your spread is all about. Turn to page 36. Do you see the clear title (Tectonic plates)? Right under it you find a summary of what Tectonic plates is all about. You need to have a summary just like this for each double page spread, and your summary needs to be right under the title.
- Each double page spread needs to have at least 5 facts. These will come from the facts you highlight in the Earth Science book as you read. You can also find facts online! If you find yourself interested in a topic and wanting to learn more, DO IT! Go learn more. Check out books from the library, watch awesome YouTube videos, read cool articles online. Follow your heart. I can’t wait to hear all about your discoveries. Stretchhhhh yourrrrrr brainnnnnn!
- You must share your Canva book with me! This will help me monitor your progress and give you feedback. I will also be showing some pages in class, with your permission. Directions for sharing it with me: While on your Canva book, click the top right button that says “Share”. Under “people with access” type in my email- victoriagarrett222@gmail.com
- With your mom’s permission, you can call or text me anytime you need help. Well, not ANY time. Don’t wake me up in the middle of the night. Unless it’s an emergency. But I don’t anticipate you will encounter a Canva emergency in the middle of the night, so let me sleep.
- Come back to this blog post each time you work on your book so that you can remember the details of your assignment.
THAT’S IT! You did it! You made it to the end of the first Earth Science blog post. Give yourself a hug and repeat after me: “I am awesome! I am a brilliant scientist! I love stretching my brain!”. I couldn’t be more proud of you! I can’t wait to see you Thursday.