Pop Art and Andy Warhol
Here is the a video to introduce you to Pop Art.
Andy Warhol started his career as WWII was ending. He did a new kind of art called Pop Art- short for Popular Art. He used screen prints, photograph, layered mixed media, bright colors.
Watch this video about here.
Can anything be made into art? Like your laundry? The Dishes? The Groceries? Are everyday things art?
These are pictures of everyday scenes from different time periods. Is Pop Art any different from these artists depictions of the everyday?

Scroll through and see some of Andy Warhol’s pop art pieces.
Why do you think he did the same pictures right next to each other with different colors?
Is advertising and art the same thing?
What to bring to class—Bring a picture of a simple object that has been copied 4 times.
It could be a picture of a cowboy boot – printed 4 times. Or a flower. Or a animal. A can of soup like Any Warhol. It could be a word in blocked letters. You can draw it yourself or print something you find online. Think of something everyday and ordinary that means something to you.
Print each of the four identical images to be no more than 5 x 7 in size.