Leadership Apprentice: Jan. 30 ENERGY

ENERGY: How to generate and create it in the moment. How to manage energy better than “others” do. You don’t have to HAVE more energy, just manage it better.

(OPTIONAL) If you want to take this year’s values to the next level, you can get the audio book, “The 6 Habits of Growth” by Brendon Burchard and listen to the chapter on ENERGY (48 min) this month.


Do ALL of the following:

  • Watch this video, “Necessary & Proper Clause” (20 min).
  • Watch this video summary of the book, “The Power of Full Engagement“. (9 min) Find a way to implement this in your life. This book was life changing for Jen, so if you’re looking for a good personal development book, consider reading the full book someday. For now, see how you can implement what you’re learned from this video. Decide on 1 action item in each of the 4 areas: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual and do them today.

Before starting on the economics assignments, take a minute to write down something you have learned up to this point. What new perspectives have you considered? What new ideas have you understood? What questions would you love to find answers to? Bring this paper to class and turn it in to me. There is one additional question at the end of the post that I’d like you to answer as well.

In our first exposure to economics, we jumped in to economic ideas and national policies. It’s time to take a step back and understand more deeply some of the basics. So much or our economic behavior is influenced by supply, demand and scarcity. This week, we’re going to increase understanding of those key concepts.


Watch the following videos to better understand some of the words on your notecards.




Are you ready to try your hand at college? Congratulations! You’ve been admitted to MIT and enrolled in introduction to microeconomics! It truly is amazing the resources that the free market has provided at our fingertips!

Read pages 12-19 (From “Chapter 1: the Economics of Choice” end at “Economics of Energy” on page 19.) at this link.

Watch the lecture on this link and try your hand at the quiz found below it. (This is a no stress quiz: when you check your answers, it will tell you which was the right answer and why. If you get it wrong, take a moment to read the explanation to deepen your understanding.)


Meet Walter Williams, another great economist and colleague of our good friend, Thomas Sowell. In this videos, he makes a case for why economics is important to understand. What reasons does he give? Do you agree or disagree?

Watch the following video to see how one man was changed by what he learned from Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams.

Helpful definition: Praxeology is the study of human action and behavior, based on the idea that people act purposefully. The word comes from the Greek words praxis (action) and logia (study of). 

What is one thing that stands out to you from this homework? It could be a concept, something from a video that clicked or a quote from the reading. Include this answer on the paper you will turn in on Thursday.

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