Journeyman: November 21 Public Speaking #3 “The Power of Preparation”

STUDY THIS SPEECH: PRINT this speech by Dieter F. Uchtdorf “The Generous One” and read it.

WATCH the speech, use the same link above.

NOW: Use your printed copy of the speech and label the parts of the speech that you learned about in the ELEMENTS OF A GREAT SPEECH, label the INTRODUCTION, the BODY of the speech, and the CONCLUSION. Feel free to label other things that stood out to you, IE, quotes, stories, jokes, etc.

Keep this analysis with other resources from this class.

  1. READ OVER THIS LIST OF GIFTS (these are from the speech) that Christ gives us:
  • Peace.
  • Joy.
  • Abundance.
  • Protection.
  • Provision.
  • Favor.
  • Hope.
  • Confidence.
  • Love.
  • Salvation.
  • Eternal life.

2. CHOOSE ONE of these gifts and WRITE A 2 MINUTE well thought out paper/speech (around 400-500 words, about 2 pages double spaced) about how Christ has blessed YOUR LIFE with that gift.

Make sure to use the elements of a great speech that you have already learned about. (you can refer to the blog post from the lat class if you need a review.)

3. ASK someone to EDIT it for you! Ask a parent, sibling, friend, or someone else in the class. (I trust you can coordinate this on your own.) PLEASE be willing to edit for others in the class.

4. Practice reading your paper/speech. You may memorize it, but it is not required. Try speaking it out loud AT LEAST 6-8 times. (Try this in front of the mirror a few times.)

5. Use the EXTRA RESOURCES at the end of this post. (Speech Preparation Handout.)

5. THIS IS OPTIONAL but super helpful!!! Record it! Record yourself giving the speech and watch it. Take note of what you did well and what you would like to change, implement those changes and if you have time, REPEAT! (Vanbucks? Perhaps.)

We will using these speeches in class. I am so excited to hear from you!!

THIS IS OPTIONAL but PLEASE CONSIDER taking this paper/speech and submitting it to the LIAHONA MAGAZINE. (Obviously after you have had it edited AT LEAST ONCE.)

Here are the details you need to know:



I hope you gained something meaningful from Elder Uchtdorf’s speech and from writing your own speech.

See you soon!



I will have a copy of this for in class, in the meantime, use this handout to help prepare your speech, you made not need all of these suggestion, but you will need most. Don’t let it stress you, these are general suggestions.

DO NOT DO number 7 (we are not ready for visual aids yet) or number 9 (you will not be taking questions at this time.)

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