Here is the exercise schedule for the next month! Be sure to practice proper form on all these exercises as we demonstrated in class last time. Turn your stats into your Team Coach (see the list here) who will turn them into me. And I’ll be adding the rest of the next months homework-instruction on this page before Oct 17th. The next time we meet will be on Oct 24th because you have a field trip.
Exercise Schedule
From Sept 20th to Oct 3rd:
- Strength: Sit-Ups Timed for 1 Minute
- Cardio: Jumping Jacks Timed for 1 Minute
- Flexibility: Touch Toes-Beyond Measured Stretch
- Balance: Balance on One Foot With Eyes Closed. Time yourself on how long you can do this.
From Oct 4th to Oct 24th: (Note this is for 3 weeks)
- Strength: Push-Ups Timed in 1 Minute
- Cardio: Mountain Climbers Timed in 2 Minutes
- Flexibility: Side Stretch, Back to Wall, Measure Distance from floor to marked tape.
- Balance: One leg alternating lunges in 2 minutes, full knee motion.