Do all of the following:
- Read the book “Soul Surfer” by Bethany Hamilton
- Look for ways Bethany grew towards the Light (Christ). In her greatest hours (days, weeks, months, years…) how did her relationship with and trust in God help her get through? What can you learn from her about overcoming hardships in life? What helped her pick herself up and keep moving forward in life?
- Bring your favorite quote from the book to share and why you like it.
- Watch this quick (6 minute) story of her life then and now.
- Watch these 3 short videos about the history of film in our time period. The First Movie Ever Made (5 min) & Early Sound Films (7 min) & Technicolor (11 min)
- OPTIONAL: AFTER you read the book you can watch the movie of the shark attack and her recovery in the movie “Soul Surfer“. (It’s not graphic. You only see the shark for a second) and/or what her life has been like since the shark attack as she returned to competing, married and became a mother in the movie “Bethany Hamilton: Unstoppable“. (You can rent both on Amazon Prime. I’m not sure about the other streaming services.)