Category Archives: Imaginative

Master April 28 “A Man Called Peter” (1955 movie)

Know: Do all of the following: Understand:

Sports! Ultimate week 2

Friends, this is our last official week of Ultimate. If you haven’t watched the following [...]

Master February 22: Yearning for the Living God

As you read Yearning for the Living God, take some time to answer in writing [...]

Imaginative Art Apprentice: February 22 – South America

✏Writing Assignment We’re putting it all together and writing the paragraphs that you’ve been preparing [...]

Journeyman Feb. 22: Picasso

Pablo Picasso is a much different artist then we have been talking about so far.  [...]

IA Week Three – Apprentice

✏Writing Assignment Write the concluding sentence for all 4 of your four squares in the [...]

Van Gogh Life and Work

Van Gogh This week we are learning about Vincent Van Gogh. He started painting less [...]

Master Jan. 25 “The King & I”

Do all of the following:

Imaginative Arts – Apprentice – Week 2 November 16, 2023

PART ONE – Discover Europe CONTINENT PROJECT: Think about what you would like to learn [...]

Art Nouveau and Art Deco Art Styles – Nov 6th

This week we are looking at the Art Nouveau and Art Deco style. They are [...]